Child Sexual Abuse Lawyer: Food for Thought About This Crime

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Child Sexual Abuse Lawyer: Food for Thought About This Crime

Sexual abuse does not just lurk in teenagers or adults but also minors. Alarmingly, perpetrators of child sexual abuse can be from the family, neighbor, babysitter, or school. If your child is facing this problem, ensure you immediately hire a child sexual abuse lawyer to get justice and compensation.

Child sexual abuse (CSA), also known as child molestation, is a serious problem so all parents must be alarmed. It is worrying since victims of child molestation will experience trauma, both physical and psychological. Get an in-depth exploration of child molestation with this comprehensive article!

In-Depth Exploration of Child Sexual Abuse

Child molestation is a form of sexual abuse against minors. Since sexual abuse is coercion, sexual activities are performed by the perpetrator without the victim’s consent. Child molestation is a serious criminal act because the victim suffers detrimental effects even over a relatively long period of time.

So, what is the scope of child molestation? Basically, child sexual abuse is not merely physical contact between the victim and the perpetrator of the sexual abuse. The following is the coverage of child molestation according to Rainn which you can use as a reference for hiring a child abuse lawyer:

1. Exhibitionism

This type of sexual abuse usually requires the victim, who is actually a minor, to show parts of their body to the perpetrator. Sexual abuse perpetrators will usually seduce or even force minor victims to do so.

2. Fondling

Fondling or touching body parts that are included in private areas can also be categorized as sexual abuse. Hence, fondling children’s private areas is something that cannot be justified because it is against moral values and decency.

3. Intercourse

The most severe case of childhood molestation is sexual intercourse. Sexual abuse perpetrators will forcibly penetrate the minor victim’s genitals and even ejaculate.

This immoral act not only causes psychological wounds to the victim but also physical injuries. It is heartbreaking since minor victims who experience penetrative sexual abuse will feel pain in their genitals.

4. Masturbation

Forcing minors to masturbate also falls under the scope of child molestation. You can contact a child sexual abuse lawyer to sue the child molestation perpetrator.

The scope of sexual masturbation abuse is the act of masturbating (playing with his/her own genitals) in front of the victim. On the other hand, the perpetrator could also force the minor victim to masturbate.

5. Obscene Conversations

Prior points explain that child sexual abuse is not only limited to physical touch because it can also be verbal or written. If you find evidence of the perpetrator’s obscene conversations with your child, immediately sue the law in order to make the perpetrator receive legal action.

Obscene conversations include in-person conversations, phone calls, digital interactions, or text messages.  Hire a child sexual abuse lawyer so you can file a lawsuit against the perpetrator of the obscene conversation. Accordingly, your legal representative will assist you in obtaining justice and put the perpetrator in prison.

6. Producing pornography

Perpetrators who are proven to produce and distribute pornographic films or images of children can also be charged with child sexual abuse. Even if the children’s pornographic films or images are for their own collection, they will still be subject to legal action because they violate the law and social norms.

7. Sex Trafficking

Children are also not spared from sex trafficking. If you find this case in your area, report it right away to the police so the victim will also receive legal assistance from a child molestation lawyer. Usually, sex traffickers will force minor victims to engage in various types of sexual contact.

8. Any Type of Sex

The last child molestation is various kinds of sexual acts involving children underage. These sexual activities include oral, anal, or sexual intercourse.

How A Child Sexual Abuse Lawyer Will Assist You?

Children who become victims of sexual abuse will face trauma that will have lifelong impacts. Therefore, children have the right to receive justice and compensation for sexual crimes that occur to them.

Hiring a child molestation lawyer is a smart move because the legal representative is competent in dealing with sexual abuse issues. Specialist lawyers who handle sexual abuse cases have a good understanding of the basics and legal regulations that can burden the perpetrator.

Additionally, legal representatives will also aggressively fight for justice and compensation for victims. Usually, professional lawyers who handle child sexual abuse cases will also maintain the confidentiality of clients who consult with them. 

Thus, parents have no reason to be embarrassed about filing lawsuits for sexual abuse cases.

What Possible Settlements Might a Child Sexual Abusive Lawyer Strive For?

Basically, there are no accurate settlements for child molestation cases. However, based on information from The Pride Law Firm, child molestation lawyers may be able to win the following settlement and verdict.

1. Medical and Therapeutic Costs

Minor victims of sexual abuse need to get medical care to treat physical injuries. Furthermore, victims of child molestation also need to receive therapy to maintain their mental health. This medical and therapeutic treatment requires quite a huge amount of money so the victim is entitled to this compensation.

2. Pain and Suffering

Child molestation victims have the right to receive compensation for the pain and suffering they experience. Trauma resulting from childhood sexual abuse can trigger panic attacks due to emotional stress. Moreover, the physical and emotional intimacy of victims of sexual abuse is also vulnerable to being disrupted.

3. Wrongful Death Expenses

Sexual abuse causes the victim to feel devastated or worthless. If the sexual crime leads to suicide, a child sexual abuse lawyer will fight for compensation for wrongful death expenses.

4. Punitive Damages

Sexual abuse perpetrators will not only receive prison time but will also have to pay punitive damages. Punitive damages are a settlement amount paid by the perpetrator to the victim or the victim’s family as punishment for the crime committed.

Let’s Raise Your Voice by Hiring a Child Sexual Abuse Lawyer!

To wrap it all up, a child sexual abuse lawyer is a professional who will assist victims of child molestation to get justice and compensation. If you find any of the criteria for child sexual abuse occurring to your child or child around your environment, immediately contact a lawyer to file a lawsuit.

Since child molestation causes significant harm to children’s future, don’t let the perpetrator roam around and look for other victims!

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