5 Best Lawyers for Zantac Lawsuit You Must Consider in 2023

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5 Best Lawyers for Zantac Lawsuit You Must Consider in 2023

If you’ve experienced health issues due to Zantac, finding the best lawyers for Zantac lawsuit is important to help you seek justice. Unfortunately, finding an excellent attorney can be overwhelming.

However, having the right legal support can make a significant difference. That’s why we’re here to give you some recommendations to help you. Scroll down this post to find out!

What is Zantac?

According to WebMd, Zantac is a type of medicine known as a histamine-2 blocker. It works by lessening the amount of acid made in your stomach. Generally, doctors use Zantac to treat and prevent sores in the stomach and intestines. 

Besides, it was also helpful for conditions where the stomach makes too much acid, like Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Additionally, Zantac was used for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and situations where stomach acid flows back into the food pipe causing heartburn.  

However, a substance that can cause cancer has been found in many ranitidine medications, including this medicine.

Over time and in high temperatures, this substance can increase to unsafe levels. Consequently, the FDA has requested all manufacturers to take this medicine off the market in the United States.

What Are the Serious Effects of Zantac?

As per the information included with the medicine, severe side effects of Zantac are not common. If you experience any of the following side effects, speak with your healthcare provider. Serious Zantac side effects (ranitidine) may include:

  • stools that look like clay;
  • coughing up mucus;
  • dark-colored urine;
  • easy bruising or bleeding;
  • irregular heartbeat;
  • loss of appetite; and
  • yellowing of the skin or eyes.

What to Do if You Experience Serious Effects After Using Zantac?

If you’ve faced serious effects from using Zantac (or ranitidine), contact the best lawyers for Zantac lawsuit right away. Bring along your medical records and details about the expenses for your treatment. By filing a lawsuit, you can seek compensation for:

  • medical expenses;
  • treatment costs; and
  • prescription medications.

What Is the Eligibility of the Zantac Lawsuit?

The eligibility for a Zantac lawsuit typically involves individuals who have used Zantac (ranitidine). Primarily, those who have health issues, especially cancer diagnoses like bladder, stomach, colorectal, or other related cancers. 

People who have suffered from severe side effects or injuries potentially also linked to the use of Zantac may be eligible to file a lawsuit. However, eligibility criteria may depend on the specific circumstances of each case.

Therefore, it’s essential to consult with experienced legal professionals specializing in Zantac lawsuits to determine your eligibility based on the details of your situation.

5 Best Lawyers for Zantac Lawsuit to Consider in 2023

If you experience severe effects from using Zantac, it’s important to seek legal advice from the best lawyers for Zantac lawsuit. Here are some of our suggestions for top lawyers you might consider! 

1. Marin Barrett and Murphy, INC

Firstly, Marin Barrett, and Murphy INC operate with a completely clear fee system. They operate on a strict contingency fee basis. It means they won’t take any payment from you unless they successfully recover money through a Zantac settlement or verdict.

No matter the specifics of your case or what’s needed, you’ll be informed upfront without any surprises. In addition, they cover the costs of filing and handling the Zantac lawsuit on your behalf, so you won’t bear any risk.

You can reach them today at 888-348-2735 to arrange a free meeting with their local attorneys in Rhode Island or Connecticut. It’s such a quick process and there’s no obligation involved.

2. Shapiro Legal Group, PLLC

If you experienced side effects from using Zantac, you deserve fairness. One of the best lawyers for Zantac lawsuit at Shapiro Legal Group, PLLC, is there to assist. Their legal team aids Zantac patients across the country in obtaining compensation to cover their losses.

The compensation may cover lost income, legal expenses, court charges, and medical bills incurred. Thus, to understand the worth of your claim due to product liability and to determine if you have a basis for a Zantac lawsuit, schedule a free consultation with them.

You can contact their skilled lawyer at (866) 527-0306 or set up a case review online. They work on cases all across the country, so they can assist you no matter where you are.

3. Coby L. Wooten, Attorney at Law, P.C.

Coby L. Wooten, Attorney at Law, P.C., is also ready to support you throughout your Zantac lawsuit journey. Their law firm is actively examining possible legal actions against Boehringer Ingelheim and Sanofi for individuals diagnosed with cancer after taking Zantac.

As your legal representative, they will assess the specifics of your potential case without any upfront charge. Then, they’ll explain all the available legal choices that empower you to make well-informed decisions.

To begin the consultation process, you can reach them at Toll-Free: 877-960-1279 or Local: 817-502-9284. Additionally, they offer appointments outside of Fort Worth upon request.

4. Van Law

Our fourth recommendation for the best lawyers for Zantac lawsuit is Van Law. They will assist if you’ve been affected with some serious injuries after taking the medicine. Moreover, their skilled attorneys have successfully secured over $150 million in settlements for their clients. 

You can get in touch with their Zantac law office to initiate your case at no upfront fee. However, if you want to take a consultation by phone, don’t hesitate to call them at (725) 266-7578!

5. Cory Watson Attorneys

For over 38 years, Cory Watson Attorneys have helped people from all over the country who suffered serious injuries because of harmful medications. Their Zantac lawyers possess the necessary skills and knowledge required for your case to succeed. 

In addition, they are also committed to ensuring that pharmaceutical companies take responsibility for their carelessness. You can reach them by calling (205) 328-2200 to start a consultation.

Consult with the Best Lawyers for Zantac Lawsuit Now!

In summary, having the support of experienced lawyers is crucial if you’ve been affected by Zantac. Thus, finding the best lawyers for Zantac lawsuit can make a significant difference in seeking justice and compensation for any harm caused.

The legal experts that I mentioned can guide you through the process to ensure your rights are protected and you receive the proper compensation. So, don’t hesitate to seek out trusted legal counsel to safeguard your rights and pursue the justice you deserve!

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